Military Family, Food, & Fitness Fenestrations

Raising the Bar on Personal Expectation

Voilà Dinner in 15-Minutes

We are moving into the house we bought in Waldfischbach starting this Saturday, so we’ve got a fair amount of monetary stress at the moment… sure you may be able to empathize somewhat if you’ve ever been a homeowner – but then multiply by a factor of 10 for purchasing a home on foreign soil using a foreign language. It is not really a question of whether we neglected to consider some tax or fee – it’s a matter of exactly when that surprise tax or fee will hit our bank account.

Monetary stress provocations strike in clusters of four, I’ve found, and the last seven days proved no exception. We had to take our Subaru Outback to the repair shop last week on Thursday because a stream of smoke was coming out from under the hood. The incessant blinking “check engine” light has been a function of its operation since the 13th month following its purchase in 2000, along with a near-infinite number of other issues from which multiple Subaru (and other) dealerships have profited – but as yet not been conclusively able to resolve. I believe seething ire regarding misadventures with our Subaru could easily be the subject of its own future post, but the main point for now is just that at long and excruciating last the vehicle could actually in earnest be in its final throes of existence.

Then, last Saturday a tire blew in our BMW (a one-series which we purchased in used condition, so please banish any idea that we are some sort of atypical wealthy military family). We had run-flat tires so were able to limp into the nearest automobile dealership which happened to be AUTOHAUS HÖBEL VOLKSWAGEN + AUDI HÄNDLER in Waldfischbach. We were extremely lucky to find them, and I would unreservedly recommend their service (of course especially if you own a Volkswagon or Audi). They advised against attempting to drive our car to the nearest BMW dealer in Kaiserslautern explaining helpfully that we could go to German jail if something were to happen, and then they recommended purchasing two run-flat tires because not only was one completely kaputt, another one was inexplicably not run-flat. Autohaus Höbel went to enormous pains attempting to get two Pirelli run-flats in time for me to make my Tuesday morning fitness class and I am extremely grateful, but I missed the class anyway and now owe them and the BMW dealership in Kaiserslautern an apple cake (the Volkswagon dealership had to promise cake in order to insure prompt tire delivery). I will provide the recipe on the blogsite later – a delicious German-style apple cake, but not at all low-carb… don’t worry, at some point I will blog about the necessity of “cheat” days/meals.

So anyway, both my husband and I have been riding our bicycles all over Pfälzerwald due to both automobiles being out of service. The ride from Queidersbach to Waldfischbach is approximately 15k, and I’ve made it three times in the last two days with the child-trailer attached and fully-loaded (our son is in the middle of potty-training) thinking the tires would arrive and I could return with the BMW. Yesterday morning, about 5k short of Waldfischbach, I ran over a fragment of a branch cloaked by fallen leaves and crammed with inch-long spiked thorns which slid like butter into the left tire of the child-trailer…pop. I left the branch in, and made it all the way to town. On the bright side, we do already have a spare tube.

Anyway, I know many of you have days just like mine, and really one of the best things to have on hand is a 15-minute dinner for four, so here it is.

whisk together in first bowl:
3 small freerange eggs
1/8 c cream

Chop 1.5cups macadamia nuts (but not-too-finely) in a second bowl

Take 4 Turkey breasts (pound them flat with a tenderizer or get them at your favorite Metzgerei and specify they will be used as schnitzel) you’ve covered with salt, pepper, and suβ Paprika according to your taste, dip first in egg mixture and then in nuts. Fry in simmering butter on medium heat approximately 5 minutes each side. Voilà.

Steam some broccoli around 5 minutes. In separate frypan sauté one minced garlic clove in butter or preferably bacon fat for 60 seconds and then add steamed broccoli – stir well and continue to cook for 3-5 minutes. Inspired by Dr. Eades’ foray with macadamia nut encrusted chicken breast in The 6-Week Cure . Both chicken breast and turkey breast are fail-proof.

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