Military Family, Food, & Fitness Fenestrations

Raising the Bar on Personal Expectation

Bacon and Spinach Frittata

yumThis was a hit with both Germans and Americans at our son’s 3rd birthday party last weekend. Super easy to prepare, and all-primal, of course.

2 cups raw spinach, thick stems removed
12 slices or so raw bacon – we buy Dörfleisch from the local Metzgerei (pronounced Duh-flysh), and specify we want it thinly sliced (Dünn geschnitten)
1 tomato, diced
1 small/medium yellow onion, diced (can also use 5-6 spring onions)
2 tbsp organic (buy German “Bio” butter)
6 Freiland Eier (cage free eggs)
1/4 cup feta cheese, unseasoned

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Sauté onion and bacon in butter for a few minutes then add tomato and cook until bacon starts to shrink. Add the spinach 1/2 cup at a time, allowing it to wilt slightly before adding the next 1/2 cup. Transfer mixture to oven-proof low-sided casserole pan if your skillet is not cast-iron, and spread evenly. Whisk eggs, adding salt and pepper to taste, then pour over the other ingredients. Sprinkle feta cheese evenly over top & pop in the oven. Heck, I don’t know how long it cooked, around 10-12 minutes. You’re looking for the egg to be puffing up, the cheese to be melting, and a nice brown tint over the top. There are tons of combinations for breakfast frittatas out there, and you really don’t even have to eat it for breakfast. I took the picture for my frittata from the MDA site. He provides a different mix of ingredients than I (sun-dried tomatoes, goat & parmesan cheeses), and he has the great idea to pour the frittata ingredients in a muffin tin for “grab and go” convenience – Try out different combinations of meat and vegetables and find your family’s favorites…you might just be making a regular batch of this stuff. Take note of other busy-family-friendly recipes on Mark’s site & his related Primal Breakfast Suggestions for People on the Go.

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